To use this map, first select the type of facility on the left – either a “Skilled Nursing Facility” (SNF) or a “Residential Care Facility for the Elderly” (RCFE, commonly known as Assisted Living). SNF’s are in purple, and RCFE’s are in red. Next, select your facility criteria and tap “download PDF” to print out your report.
Facility Locator Key Terms
Facility Type: here are two types of facilities on this map SNF and RCFE
SNF: Skilled Nursing Facility-provides inpatient skilled nursing care and related services to residents who require medical, nursing, or rehabilitative services but does not provide the level of care or treatment available in a hospital. Offering both short-term and long-term stays.
RCFE: Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (commonly called assisted living or board and care facility) provides 24-hour care and supervision, room and board, assistance with personal care needs, meal preparation and cleaning services and medication assistance. Generally, there are no medical staff employed by the facility.
Sub-Acute: Skilled nursing facility that serves people who are ventilator dependent. May be a section of a nursing home, an entire nursing home, or may be hospital based. This is a higher level of care than a SNF.
IMD:Institution Mentally Disabled are locked nursing facilities that focus on supporting residents that are gravely disabled due to a mental health condition or cognitive impairment and are at risk of being unsafe if out in the community on their own.
Locked:a nursing home that is locked usually to manage wandering behaviors associated with dementia, traumatic brain injury, or due to a grave disability due to a mental illness.
SSI: Supplemental Security Income-Assisted living facilities can choose to accept the SSI rate, to provide full services for low-income residents. There is a limited number of facilities that accept this rate.
ALW: Assisted Living Waiver= A program in residential care facilities/assisted living that pays for additional care for residents who are Medi-Cal recipients and who would generally need nursing home care. There is often a wait list for this program.
Wander Guard: A system at a facility to help prevent residents with memory loss from wandering away. Includes the resident wearing a bracelet that activates an alarm when they exit a door to alert staff.
Delayed Egress: Doors that delay opening right away and alert the staff that a door is being opened to help prevent residents with memory loss from exiting without facility knowledge.
Regional Center Clients: Regional Centers coordinate lifelong services and supports for people with developmental disabilities and their families. Including paying for clients to live in assisted living or board and care facilities that they contract with.
WISE & Healthy Aging does not make facility recommendations. This list was generated based on the selected criteria and should not be considered an endorsement of any facility.